Liverpool Free Press archive

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Issue 1:
July 1971

Issue 2
Aug/Sep 1971

Issue 3
Sep/Oct 1971

Issue 4
Nov/Dec 1971

Issue 5
Dec 1971/Jan 1972

'Special supplement'
Jan 17, 1972

Issue 6
Feb/Mar 1972

Issue 7
April 1972

Issue 8
June 1972

'Special supplement'
July 25, 1972

Issue 9
July/Aug 1972

Issue 10
Sep/Oct 1972

Issue 11
December 1972

Issue 12
March 1973

Issue 13
June/July 1973

Issue 14
Oct/Nov 1973

Issue 15
May 1974

Issue 16
September 1974

Issue 17
November 1974

Issue 18
Feb/March 1975

Issue 19
May/June 1975

Issue 20
September 1975

Issue 21
November 1975

Issue 22
December 1975

Issue 23
January 1976

Issue 24
February 1976

Issue 25
March 1976

Issue 26
Apr/May 1976

Issue 27
June 1976

Issue 28
July/Aug 1976

Issue 29
Sep/Oct 1976

Issue 30
Dec 1976/Jan 1977

Issue 31
April 1977

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Issue 30, page 1

Issue 30, page 2

Issue 30, page 3

Issue 30, page 4

Issue 30, page 5


Inside this issue...

• This issue takes a critical look at reporting on "scroungers" by the mainstream press (pages 1, 6 and 7).

• Page 2 has a report on police activities investigating the Free Press for possible contempt of court.

• There's a spate of senior police officers retiring or moving on. They include the superintendent in charge of the Task Force ("the jeep-borne heavies who made it unsafe to walk the streets at night") and two officers involved with club and pub licensing (page 5).

• The Free Press has received a reply to a letter it sent to the General Pinochet, the Chilean dictator. The paper had asked what the regime was going to do about Gladys Diaz, a prominent journalist who had been detained without charge for almost two years. Similar letters had been ignored in the past but on this occasion the regime replied saying she would be allowed to leave the country (page 8).

Looking for a particular story? Try searching the index.

Issue 30, pages 6-7

Issue 30, page 8

Issue 30, page 9

Issue 30, page 10

Issue 30, page 11

Issue 30, page 12