Inside this issue...
• Realmdeal/Standfield, the property empire run by Liverpool's most unpopular slum landlord, James Standfield Wade, has collapsed (pages 1, 6 and 7).
• There's also a follow-up on landlord and Liberal councillor Michael Hefferon (page 10, previously reported in issue 14) and a look at BTG Trust, another bad landlord with Liberal Party connections (page 8).
• The military don't have to pay for recruitment stands at Liverpool Show because they also provide "entertainment" in the form of bass bands, parachutists and displays of equipment (page 6).
• Kirkby council has spent £90,000 constructing an artificial ski slope (page 10). This later became the starting point for the Free Press's corruption investigation (issue 19).
• Several doctors in the Scotland Road area, including one whose surgery is a shack-like building with a corrugated roof, have rejected four potential sites for a new health centre on the grounds that they would be too far away for patients (page 3). Note: a mishap with the page negatives resulted in a photo of the shack-like surgery being reversed from left to right. This brought an intriguing letter from a sharp-eyed reader (issue 17).
• An article on page 5 discusses the future of Croxteth Park, a 1,000-acre estate that belonged to the seventh Earl of Sefton. After his death, his widow donated half of it to the city as a park and sold the other half to property developers. (The eventual development included Brookside Close, later to become the location of the Brookside TV soap.)
• Councillor Bill Smyth, who has been threatening to publish a blacklist of council tenants who are more than £100 in arrears with their rent, is in arrears with National Insurance payments for his employees (pages 1 and 5).
• Page 4 has details of the expenses claimed by Liverpool councillors. Meanwhile, eight months after the council established a register of members' financial interests, almost half the councillors have not provided any information.
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