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Abortion: 5:1 , 5:8 , 6:3 , 7:3 , 7:4 , 8:2 , 8:4 , 21:12 , 29:5
Acropolis (night club): 30:3
Addley & Sons (cleaning firm): 27:5
Aintree racecourse: 15:10
Albert Dock: 4:9
Alsa Securities: 22:3
Amalgamated Land (GBM) Ltd: 18:1
Amalgamated Tenants' Coordinating Committee (ATACC): 10:1
Ambrosius, Paul: 15:3 , 18:10 , 2:1 , 3:1 , 4:9
Amos, Francis (“Jim”), Chief Planning Officer: 2:1 , 3:1 ' 11:2 , 11:2 , 10:8
Angela Chapman (employment agency): 13:1
Anglia Paper Company (closure): 15:8
Anti Canal Marina Action Committee: 11:10
Aquarius City: 4:9
Area Health Authority: 27:5
Army and Navy Stores: 13:1
Ashe & Nephew (off licence): 23:5 , 24:8 , 21:3
At Ease: 14:2
Atlantic Tower hotel: 29:3
Austin Lowe Travel: 17:5 , 18:8
Auto Supermarket (ASM): 21:12
Ayre, Harold: 15:3

B & B Car Hire: 5:5
B & K Motors: 14:5
Baby deaths: 23:5
Bagot, Arthur: 22:1 , 23:2
Bailey, Tom (councillor): 9:2
Bailey's night club: 18:3
Baldwin, Harry: 23:1 , 25:12
Bale, Stewart: 17:1
Barnes, Alan: 28:1
Barnes, Derek (builder): 9:3 , 11:1 , 11:6
Bawak, Benson (lawyer): 14:10
Bear Brand (closure): 24:12 , 25:1 , 26:1 , 26:12
Begging: 20:4
Beilin Estates: 17:10
Belle Vale estate: 11:1 , 17:1 , 17:1 , 17:7 , 17:10 , 23:5
Benledi Street housing office: 23:6
Berman's warehouse: 15:3
Berry Magicoal work-in: 17:4
Betting shops: 5:10 , 6:5 , 7:4 , 12:5
Beyga, Tony (councillor): 22:5
Binstock, Judah: 25:5
Birkenhead market: 17:8
Black community action group: 10:8
Blott, Eric (former NUJ official): 19:2
Boilermakers: 25:9
Bold Street Traders Association: 2:10
Bomb hoax: 31:8
Bor, Walter: 1:7 , 2:2
Bower, Fred (“rolling stonemason”): 29:6
Briant Colour Printing: 10:1
Brindle Engineering: 24:9
British Legion: 20:4
British Leyland: 28:12
British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS): 7:3 , 28:8
British Rail: 6:1 , 6:7
British Withdrawal from Northern Ireland Campaign: 14:2 , 17:3 , 20:6 , 21:8
Brown, Bill (alderman): 3:1
Brunswick Square: 29:5
BTG Trust: 16:8
Bundred, George (councillor): 18:3
Buses: 11:7 , 18:2 , 23:9 , 24:3 , 27:3 , 29:1
Byrne, John: 6:1 , 6:8 , 7:10

Cambrian Airways: 15:3
Cammel Laird: 19:4 , 1:6 , 3:5 , 17:10 , 23:2 , 24:6 , 25:3
Campaign for a More Prosperous Britain: 22:5
Campaign for Homosexual Equality: 13:2 , 29:3
Caplin, Abram Maxwell, MBE: 22:9 , 23:1 , 24:5 , 27:9 , 31:3
Caplin, Tony: 22:9 , 23:3
Carey & David (estate agents): 15:2
Carr, Bob (busker): 20:4
Carr, Cyril (councillor): 14:6 , 16:3 , 31:8
Cash, PC Robert Wiliam: 27:1 , 27:8
Castle Metal Products: 22:1 , 23:2 , 24:12
Cathedral Mansions: 30:9
Catholic Church: 1:8 , 1:9 , 20:4
Catholic Pictorial: 2:8
Central College: 30:1
Chamelon Gallery: 13:2
Chapman, Jim: 6:4 , 12:10 , 13:1 , 17:4
Charities: 18:3
Chester telephone exchange: 5:1 , 28:9
Child Interim Benefit: 25:2
Chile: 14:10 , 30:8
Christian Responsibility Campaign: 1:8 , 1:9
Church of England: 4:2
City Architect's Department: 17:4
City Estates (accommodation agency): 24:12 , 21:8
City Finance for Commerce Ltd: 15:6
City of Life Festival: 6:10
Civic Centre (proposed): 3:1 , 3:7 , 10:1 , 10:12 , 11:2 , 12:5 , 14:8 , 14:10 , 17:4
Claimants Union: 5:4
Clann na hEireann: 27:5
Clarence Dock power station (closure): 20:3
Clarke, Tom (schools inspector): 29:1
Clocking on: 28:3
Coal: 6:8
Cohabitation: 2:9 , 6:1
Coleman, Don: 12:1
Collins, Eddie (Irish republican): 13:10
Communist Party: 27:12
Community Action (magazine): 8:5
Concourse House: 4:6 , 4:7
Conoco: 29:12 , 17:3
Contempt of court: 30:2
Contraception: 8:2
Cooper's store (closure): 7:5
Corkery, Michael (lawyer): 2:8
Corporal punishment (in schools): 9:1
Council house sales: 4:5 , 11:2 , 11:10 , 12:2 , 12:4
Council minutes: 10:8
Councillors' business interests: 16:4
Councillors' expenses: 16:4
Courtaulds: 30:7 , 30:12 , 31:12
Cowlin, Charles (Alderman): 12:10
Craddocks haulage firm: 12:3
Craig, Ian (journalist): 19:10
Craine, Raymond (councillor): 31:8 , 9:5
Crawford, Carl (councillor): 4:4 , 18:1 , 24:5
Crawshaw, Dick (MP): 16:2 , 15:1
Cregeen, George: 7:2 , 8:5 , 10:8 , 16:3
Crematorium: 27:3
Criminal trespass: 25:6
Croft Seafoods: 11:4 , 13:3
Crone, David: 18:10
Crosby: 15:5
Crown pub (Aintree): 16:1
Croxteth Estate: 16:5
Croxteth Lodge: 19:3
Cruickshank, Lennie: 1:3 , 4:12
Cubbon's bakery: 13:8

Dale Farm, Heswall: 24:1
Damer, J. T. (clerk of works): 17:4
Dampco: 9:4
Debtors: 15:5
Demonstrations: 4:7
DHSS 'A' code: 27:12
DHSS Form A70: 27:6
Diaz, Gladys: 30:8
Dibro factory: 19:3
Dillon, John: 1:4
Direct Works Department: 25:3 , 26:12
Director of Public Prosecutions: 30:2
Directory of Directors: 4:3
Disability: 12:3 , 26:1 , 26:5
Discretionary grants for students: 27:8
Discrimination: 13:1
District heating: 27:9
Docks and dockers: 1:5 , 6:5 , 6:10 , 7:1 , 7:3 , 8:8 , 9:8 , 12:3 , 12:5 , 12:10 , 13:4
Dodd, Ken (comedian): 18:3
Dooley, Arthur: 2:4 , 2:10 , 6:10 , 7:2
Dougherty's Garages: 28:5
Dovedale Estates: 29:8
Drugs: 1:3 , 3:3 , 4:1 , 6:4
Dunlop: 9:4 , 10:3 , 11:1 , 11:5 , 14:3 , 16:1 , 20:1 , 20:10
Dunn, David: 14:5
Dyson, Arnold: 17:1

Easton, George: 30:2
Education cuts: 25:2 , 26:9
Edwards, Bob: 2:1
EEPTU (electricians' union): 24:8 , 28:3
Effluent Services Ltd: 3:10 , 7:1
Egerton, Brian: 18:7
Electricians: 6:1 , 6:8 , 7:10 , 14:3 , 16:5 , 21:6 , 24:8 , 8:1 , 9:10 , 11:8
Electricity prices: 26:8
Elliott Clarke School (dance): 25:1
Employment agencies: 6:10
Equal Pay Act: 7:4
Eric Heffer (MP): 22:5
Evans Medical: 19:10
Evans, David: 29:8
Evans, Mike (musician): 3:6
Everton baths: 27:9
Evictions: 3:3 , 4:1 , 4:1 , 6:1 , 6:4 , 7:4 , 7:10 , 8:3 , 14:5 , 17:1 , 17:10 , 20:2 , 20:7 , 24:3 , 26:5 , 27:9
Excalibur Broking Group: 15:2
Excalibur Finance Brokers: 17:5

Fair Deal for Housing: 2:7
Fair Rents Act: 10:1 , 5:4 , 9:6
Falkner Place: 10:10
Falls from hospital windows: 27:1 , 28:3
Family allowances: 12:6 , 13:5
Family Planning Association: 28:5
Fat extraction factory: 15:5
Fazakerley Hospital: 27:1 , 28:3
Fearenside, William (councillor): 13:8
Finegan, James Peter (PC): 18:1 , 18:7 , 26:1
Fire safety: 14:1 , 15:1 , 16:3 , 18:4 , 21:8 , 23:1 , 23:6
Fires: 15:8
Fisher Bendix: 2:8 , Supplement , 7:10 , 15:7 , 16:1 , 18:3 , 26:7
Fitzgerald, Michael: 29:8
Fitzsimmons, Myra (councillor): 9:1
Flat agencies: 5:3 , 21:8
Floral Hall, Southport: 29:5
Football history: 21:6 , 22:7 , 23:7
Footbridges: 8:1
Footy Show, The: 15:6
Ford: 2:3 , 9:1 , 9:7 , 10:5 , 12:8 , 1:4
Formby Hall: 28:12
Free public transport: 12:6 , 11:7

Galliford Estates: 11:1
Gambier Terrace: 28:5
Gateacre Line: 6:1 , 6:7
General and Municipal Workers' Union (GMWU): 15:3 , 16:1 , 30:5 , 29:3
General Improvement Areas: 12:5
Gershfield, Ivor (financier): 15:7 , 16:1 , 18:3
Gidman, Daniel (detective constable): 29:1 , 30:2
Gingerbread (organisation): 24:12
Gipsies/travellers: 1:10 , 5:10 , 12:4 , 17:8 , 18:5
Gladstone Dock: 12:5
Glasson dock: 9:8
Gleeson, Freddie: 27:12
Globe, Albert: 16:8
Golden Chemical Products: 6:4
Gorie, James: 17:10 , 20:7
Gorman, John: 1:10 , 4:3
GP charges: 30:3
GP pay: 26:12
GP surgeries: 16:3 , 26:3 , 27:3
Great George's Community Arts Project: 30:5
Gregg, Paul: 29:5
Grosvenor Agency (flats): 5:3

H King & Co (bottling): 25:5 , 27:12 , 30:12
Haigh Heights: 23:6
Hale, Terry: 19:10
Halewood Community Transport: 30:8
Hall, Jim (diector of housing) : 16:3
Hamilton, John (councillor): 15:3 , 27:8
Happy baby competition: 2:5
Harris, Simon: 18:8 , 19:2 , 31:2
Hart, Mike (musician): 3:6
Harvey, Frank (Rev): 4:2
Haughton, James (chief constable): 24:1 , 30:5
Hazardous fumes: 19:3
Heenan, John (Archbishop): 1:8
Hefferon, Michael (councillor): 14:1 , 14:6 , 15:1 , 16:10 , 18:8 , 31:3
Hell's Angels: 13:1
Henderson, Gerald: 26:9
Henry Diaper Ltd (strike): 20:3
Heriot Street: 20:2
Hibernian Property Company: 2:3 , 3:10 , 11:3
High-pressure selling: 31:5

Hirst, Alan: 10:1 , 10:8
Hitchmough, John: 27:5
Hodge, Julian: 17:1
Holmes, Ronald: 12:5
Holmes, Stanley (Town Clerk): 3:1
Homelessness: 4:4 , 11:5 , 14:5 , 19:4 , 31:9
Horne, W. A. (City Architect): 17:4
Hospitals: 7:1 , 7:7 , 12:3 , 24:1, 27:1 , 28:3
Hotel construction: 8:7
Houghton-Jacobs College (dance, drama): 25:1
House of Commons Privileges Committee: 22:2, 23:5
House prices: 11:8
Housing aid centre (SNAP): 7:5 , 24:7
Housing cooperatives: 25:4 , 31:8
Housing Finance Act: 25:1
Housing management orders: 4:5
Housing rebates: 20:2 , 12:5
Howard, Charles (housing chief): 13:2
Humphry, Derek (author): 10:6
Hyams, Harry: 4:9 , 4:9

ICI: 11:5
Immigration: 12:1
Improvement grants: 6:5 , 14:1 , 14:6 , 26:1
Industrial development: 4:3 , 6:8
Industrial injuries: 16:6 , 11:5
Industrial Relations Court: 6:3 , 7:1 , 7:3
Industrial tribunals: 20:10 , 21:5 , 8:1 , 9:10 , 11:8
Inland Revenue Office (IRO): 21:6 , 6:1 , 6:8 , 7:10 , 12:5 , 14:3 , 16:5 , 17:4 , 24:8
International Federation for Housing and Planning: 8:5 , 9:3
International Process Industries (UK) Ltd: 23:6
International Property Development (IPD): 7:10 , 18:3 , 15:7
International Women's Day: 25:9
Irish republicans: 17:8
Isaacson, Harry: 27:12 , 30:12
Iyanda, L A (building consultant): 29:8

J. Wehrli Ltd (mortgage brokers): 26:5 , 27:3
Jackson, Gerald: 18:8 , 19:2 , 31:2
Job creation projects: 28:1 , 28:7 , 30:12
John Temple (tailoring): 5:10
Joint Industry Board (JIB): 6:1 , 6:8 , 7:10 , 12:5 , 16:5 , 24:8 , 28:3
Jones-Aldington committee: 13:4
Jones, Doreen: 25:9
Jospice International (charity): 20:4
Journalists' press cards: 31:5

Keeley, Frank: 17:3 , 17:7 , 18:10 , 20:6 , 21:8 , 23:8
Keen Air Services: 15:3
Keen, Jim: 15:3 , 16:1 , 22:5
Kelly, Ellen (councillor): 13:8
Kensington Fields: 5:5 , 7:8 , 10:5
Kilroy-Silk, Robert (MP) : 15:8 , 23:12
King, Harold: 7:10 , 15:7 , 16:1 , 18:3
Kirkby Manufacturing and Engineering (KME): 26:5 , 26:7
Kirkby ski slope: 16:10 , 17:5 , 18:2 , 19:6 , 20:5 , 24:3 , 24:8
Knowsley South Labour Club: 25:3

Lancastrian Insurance Brokers: 29:3
Lannon, John: 20:1 , 20:10 , 21:12 , 22:3 , 25:8 , 31:9
Lawlor, Ray: 30:5
Leasehold Property (Repairs) Act, 1939: 2:3
Leather's chemical factory (St Helens): 15:4

LETTERS Abortion 6:7; Accident compensation 29:2; African guerrilla groups 3:2; Alternative schooling 31:2; Arthur Bagot 23:2; Auto Supermarket (ASM) 22:2; Back to front 17:5; Barclays and apartheid 7:8; Bear Brand 25:2; Belle Vale 25:2, 24:2; Bill Holland 27:2, 28:2; Birkenhead market 18:8; Corruption in Kirkby 20:4; Council tenants' rates; 7:8; Councillor Roberts 192; Crosby council 5:8; Dunlop cancer claims 12:8; Eric Ogden MP 222, 242; Fair rents 12:8; Fisher-Bendix 6:7; Football 24:2; Ford 10:10; Frank Marsden MP 9:8; Free Press 24:2, 25:2, 29:2; Free Press distribution 21:2; Free Press sensationalism 23:2; Gorrie, James (industrial development officer) 12:8; H King & Co (bottling) 28:2; Help on arrest 19:2; Housing 15:4; Housing associations 20:4; Housing cooperatives 27:2; Housing in Kensington 26:2; Iyanda & Sons 27:2; Juke boxes 22:2; Kirkby cooperative 27:2; Liberal party 25:2; M62 2:2; Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive 28:2; Militant workers 12:8; National Union of Pubic Employees (NUPE) 28:2; Open government 20:4; Open Mind project 28:2; Picketing 21:2; Police 262; 9:8; Race and schools 14:2; Race relations 30:2; Realmdeal 3:2; Rex Makin 27:2, 28:2; Rigby's factory, Ormskirk 26:2; Scotland Road Writers' Workshop 30:2; Smith, Hughie (stunt man) 28:2; Smoking in hospitals 21:2; The Lump 23:2; UCATT 24:2; UK Atomic Energy Authority 272; Unfair dismissal 9:8; Unsuitable cartoons 5:8; Venture Housing Association 16:2

Leverhulme, Lord: 6:1
Levin, Ian (Lord Mayor): 2:6
Lewis's department store: 14:1 , 15:1 , 16:3
Liberty Hall: 23:2
Lime Street Garages: 12:1 , 15:3
Limousines: 11:10 , 12:5
Lindsay, Rachel: 20:3
Lion Assurance: 23:1 , 24:5
Little Red Schoolbook: 3:8 , 4:4 , 6:4 , 7:8 , 5:4 , 1:8 , 2:8
Littlewoods Pools: 30:1
Liver Launderettes: 21:3 , 22:5 , 25:5
Livermore, Harry (councillor): 15:1 , 15:10 , 16:1
Liverpool Aero Club: 15:3
Liverpool Aero Engineering: 15:3
Liverpool airport: 2:5 , 4:6 , 6:7 , 7:1 , 7:6 , 15:3
Liverpool Bay: 4:4 , 5:1 , 5:7 , 11:6
Liverpool City Architects Department: 27:5
Liverpool Community Transport: 10: 5
Liverpool Echo: 5:3 , 6:1 , 6:4 , 6:7 , 7:2 , 7:5 , 10:8 , 12:10 , 14:5 , 17:5 , 18:3 , 18:5 , 24:2
Liverpool Echo (office building): 4:1 , 4:6 , 14:10
Liverpool Echo (reporting of fires): 15:8
Liverpool Echo (trees): 14:3
Liverpool Housing Trust: 31:12
Liverpool Independent People: 2:2
Liverpool Locums Ltd: 8:4, 13:3
Liverpool Public Relations Department: 15:5
Liverpool public relations office: 2:3
Liverpool Show: 16:3 , 16:6
Liverpool Stadium: 10:3
Liverpool teaching hospital: 31:6
Liverpool Trades Council: 4:7 , 15:3 , 16:5 , 27:12
Liverpool University: 9:1 , 9:4 , 11:1 , 11:10 , 13:2 , 13:5
Loan sharks: 4:4 , 4:5
Locum doctors: 8:4, 13:3
Lowe, George: 18:8 , 19:2 , 31:2
Lucas Aerospace: 30: 4
Lucas sit-in: 12:7
Lump, the: 11:6, 12:2 , 12:3, 21:4, 22:4
Lynwood Nursing Home: 5:1 , 6:3 , 7:3 , 2:4 , 1:1

M62 motorway: 2:2 , 4:1 , 5:10 , 10: 3
Magistrates: 12:3 , 16:8
Maher, Chrissie: 2:2 , 5:3 , 8:1
Mahon, Simon (MP): 29:3 , 28:1 , 30: 5
Makin, Rex: 26:5, 27:1 , 27:2 , 28:1 , 28:12
MALTS (Merseyside Area Land and Transport Use Study) : 1:2 , 2:2
Manesty Machines strike: 10: 8
Mansley, Jack: 25:12
Manweb (electricity): 22:5
Markham Research (employment agency): 6:10
Marks & Spencer: 19:2 , 20:10
Marsden, Frank (MP and councillor): 8:10 , 18:3 , 20:1
Marshall, Bill (former councillor): 21:5
Mary Elizabeth (ship): 23:6
Mathew Brown Agency (flats): 5:3
Maxwell, Robert: 14:1
McAleny, Alan: 24:9
McDougall, Bob: 17:2
McElroy, J. P. (Bootle chief exec): 18:5 , 28:1
McGear, Mike: 1:10
McGough, Roger: 1:10
McGovern, Jimmy: 19:2 , 20:10
McVeigh, Anthony (councillor): 15:1
Meadows, Robert (alderman): 12:1 , 15:3
Meadway Developments Ltd: 18:3
Mental health: 5:6 , 7:4
Mersey Docks and Harbour Board: 1:5 , 2:1
Mersey Docks and Harbour Company: 6:5 , 6:10
Mersey Magnet: 12:10 , 17:4
Mersey River Authority: 5:7
Merseyside Arts Association: 28:5
Merseyside Electronic Products (MEP): 31:1 , 31:12
Merseyside Flat Agency: 5:3
Merseyside Passenger Transport Authority: 7:10 , 18:2 , 23:9 , 24:3 , 27:3 , 30:2 , 31:2
Merseyside Sports Association: 21:1
Military recruitment: 10: 3 , 14:2 , 16:6 , 16:10 , 20: 7 , 23:8 , :
Ministry of Defence: 18:1
Miss Merseyrail (beauty contest): 5:3
Mitchell Furnishings (Burscough): 20: 5
Moore Clague, Philip: 18:1 , 26:9
Morgan, Joe (Alderman): 14:1 , 14:5 , 15:8 , 23:3 , 16:10 , 13:1
Morgan, Peter: 24:5
Mossley Hill hospital: 8:1
Mostyn dock: 9:8
Musicians' Liberation Front: 3:6

National Association of Property Owners: 9:10
National Front: 30:1
National Insurance: 16:1
National Party: 30:1
National Union of Public Employees: 21:5
Neighbourhood Housing Services: 31:8
Netherley: 1:7
Netherley carnival: 29:6
Netherley Health Centre: 30: 2
Netherton Tenants Association: 4:1
New Brighton Tower company: 25:5
Newage Kitchens: 25:1
Norris Green “improvements”: 10:12
North West Economic Development Council: 21:5
North West Gas: 22:1
Northern Developments: 9:3 , 11:6
Northgate (clothing firm): 22:8
Northwood Flat Dwellers Action Group: 19:3 , 15:8 , 17:3
Norwest Construction: 10: 2
Norwest Holst: 20:8

O'Rourke, Christine (councillor): 15:1
Oak Co-operative Building Society: 29:3 , 23:1 , 24:5 , 31:3
Ocean Port Services: 9:10
Offensive trades: 15:5
Office Cleaning Services: 18:1 , 26:3
Office construction: 9:10
Offshore oil: 17:10 , 18:10
Ogden, Eric (MP): 21:9 , 22:2 , 23:5
Ogunsiji, Anthony: 17:1
Oil Sheikhs of Liverpool (series): 24:3 , 25:12 , 26:5 , 28:5, 29:12
Orr, Joe (councillor): 14:10
Oxford, Kenneth (chief constable): 24:1, 30:5
Oz magazine: 2:6, 4:1

Page, Graham (MP): 5:10
Paine, Francis: 23:3
Pak-o-Lies: 1:4
Palmer, Diana: 23:3
Park, Ian: 5:3
Parry, Bob (MP and councillor): 8:10
Pascoe, Gordon (councillor): 2:1
Pascoe, James: 2:4
Paul, Roy: 21:5
Peacock pub: 5:10
Perry, Chris (councillor): 13:5 , 15:8
Peter Lind (contractor): 23:2 , 24:6
Petrol stations: 24:3 , 26:5 , 28:5
Pharmacists: 17:4
Picasso Sisters (musicians): 20:4
Pickets: 24:6 , 12:1 , 13:10 , 17:1 , 23:2
Picton Residents Association: 2:4
Pierhead Housing Society: 15:5
Pilkington (glass manufacturer): 5:2
Place the Ball contest: 29:1
Play areas: 1:3 , 7:8
Play groups: 5:8, 6:4
Plessey: 8:5 , 21:1 , 23:8

Police (brutality): 19:10 , 29:8
Police (compensation): 26:9
Police (harassment): 18:4 , 31:8
Police (race): 4:12 , 15:1 , 15:3 , 15:10
Police Federation: 3:5
Police Task force: 24:1
Pollution: 3:10 , 4:4 , 5:1 , 5:7 , 9:5 , 11:6
Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB): 3:10
Pope Street Association: 12:5
Port of Liverpool Stevedoring: 9:10
Post Office dispute: 24:9
Post Office Teecommunications: 22:3
Power, Chris: 19:10
Pregnancy Advisory Service: 5:1 , 26:12
Prescriptions: 31:8
Preservation of the Rights of Prisoners (PROP): 13:10
Price Casinos Ltd: 17:10
Price, John (industrial development officer): 29:5
Prime Heating Company: 14:10 , 16:1 , 16:4 , 17:10
Prisons: 2:6
Pritchard, Frank (alderman): 15:5
Probe Records: 4:1
Project 72 (playscheme): 5:8
Purle Waste Disposal: 3:10 , 9:5

Race: 1:3 , 13:1 , 15:1 , 15:10 , 31:8
Race and DHSS: 22:8
Race and education: 13:7
Race on ships: 22:8
Race Relations Act: 22:8
Radio City: 16:1 , 17:5 , 19:4 , 21:1 , 21:12
Radio franchises: 14:5
Radio Free Liverpool: 9:1
Radio pirates: 9:1 , 10:12
Rate rebates: 1:5
Rate reductions: 7:4 , 20:2
Rates: 6:3 , 6:5
Rats: 10:9
Ravenscroft & Wilis: 28:3
Realmdeal: 2:3 , 3:10 , 4:12 , 5:8 , 6:5 , 7:5 , 9:3 , 12:10 , 16:1 , 16:7
Red Triangle Club: 4:12
Rediffusion: 4:12
Rent Act (1965): 9:4
Rent Act (1974): 20:8
Rent arrears: 13:5
Rent books: 30:9
Rent collectors: 12:5
Rent rises: 11:4
Rent strikes: 13:5
Rent tribunals: 8:1 , 9:4 , 9:5
Rental mortgages: 20:8 , 30:5
Reynolds, Gillian: 21:12
Rialto Community Centre: 22:10
Richmond Girls' School: 11:3
Rimmer, Harry: 22:1
River pollution: 6:2
Road safety: 15:3 , 28:8
Roberts, Jack (councillor): 31:1 , 31:12
Roberts, John Henry (councillor): 18:3
Roderick, Eddie (councillor): 17:1 , 25:12 , 26:5 , 28:5
Rogers, Jimmy: 1:3 , 4:12 , 9:4 , 15:3
Rogue traders: 6:4 , 15:2 , 17:5 , 18:8 , 23:1 , 24:5 , 31:5
Ronan Point: 11:10
Ronchil: 17:5 , 18:8
Royal British Legion: 20:4
Royal Daffodil (ferry): 31:8
RSPCA: 21:5
Rubin & Co (estate agents): 16:2
Rubin, Jack (Tudor Estates): 16:1
Rubin, L. I. (landlord): 17:1 , 20:8 , 30:5
Ruffwood Comprehensive School, Kirkby: 28:1
Rutledge, James: 27:5

Salford City (ship): 4:4
Salvation Army: 25:5
Samuels, Sean: 31:8
Sanders, Leslie (aderman): 15:5
Sands, Patrick: 30: 9
Satchel, Tommy: 20: 3 , 21:8
Sayer's bakery dispute: 23:1 , 23:12 , 26:2 , 22:1 , 25:8 , 24:12
Scaffold, The: 1:2 , 1:10
School governors: 23:1
School truancy: 28:3
School uniforms: 23:3
Scotland Road Community Trust: 2:4 , 3:1
Scotland Road Free School: 2:4 , 3:1 , 4:12
Scott's bakery sit-in: 18:7
Scouse: 5:1
Seaforth dock: 12:5
Seaforth Grain Terminal: 20:3
Seamen's Charter: 6:3
Searchlight magazine: 30:8
Sefton and Netherton Tenants Association: 7:4
Sefton, Bill (alderman): 10:1 , 12:4 , 21:5 , 5:4 , 11:1
Semple, Andrew (professor): 4:9
Sewage: 4:4 , 6:8 , 7:1 , 9:5 , 12:4
Sewards, R. J.: 23:12
Sex Discrimination Act: 28:8
Shankland Cox & Associates: 17:1 , 17:7 , 18:4
Shankland, Graeme : 18:4
Shareholders Action Group (GEC-English Electric): 2:8
Shearon, Nat (police superintendent): 29:1
Shopkeepers Agency Ltd: 24:5
Single parents: 24:12
Skeffington Report: 2:6
Slenderad heating panels: 31:1 , 31:12
Sloan & Lloyd Barnes (consultants): 30:9
Small Tenements Act 1838: 4:1
Smith Coggins: 9:10
Smith, David: 28:1 , 28:12
Smith, Mervyn E.: 26:1
Smyth, Bill (councillor): 14:10 , 16:1 , 16:4 , 16:5 , 17:3 , 17:10 , 20: 7 , 22:1 , 22:3 , 23:8 , 26:12
Snell, Bill: 17:1
Social security: 3:4 , 12:10 , 14:5 , 16:1 , 23:3 , 24:5 , 27:4 , 28:3 , 30:1 , 30: 6 , 9:5 , 10:3 , 10:5
Social Security Act 1966: 24:5
Social services: 6:1 , 7:3 , 21:5
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children: 7:4
SOGAT (trade union): 15:8
Soho Street renovation: 16:4
Southdene Flat Dwellers Association: 8:4
Soya bean processing: 20:3
Spanish consulate demo: 22:10
Special Branch: 27:12
Special schools: 11:3
Speke Tenants' Association: 12:4
Speke Trade Union Defence Committee: 19:10
Sperm whales: 24:9 , 26:9
Squatting: 4:7 , 20:7 , 26:2 , 26:9
St Helens Plastics (occupation): 7:3
St Kevin's Comprehensive School, Kirkby: 23:1
St Monica's mother-and-baby home: 9:5
Standfield Properties: 5:8 , 6:5 , 7:5 , 12:10 , 16:1 , 16:7 , 9:3 , 11:5
Stanley House: 9:2
Stanlow oil refinery: 10:3
Stapely Hospital: 28:1 , 28:12 , 19:5 , 19:6 , 18:5
Stevenson, Eric Spencer (architect): 19:1 , 20:1 , 20:5 , 24:3 , 24:8
Steward, MacDonald (alderman): 3:1 , 4:9 , 5:4
Stoneycroft Crescent: 28:5
Street musicians: 20:4
Street traders: 2:3
Students: 26:3
Sulphuric acid: 15:4
Summer in the City (festival): 28:8
Supplementary Benefits Commission: 2:9
Surveillance: 18:10 , 24:1 , 30:8
Sutcliffe, Alan: 13:6
Synthetic Resin (Speke): 20:8

Taxis: 4:4 , 9:5 , 18:1 , 18:10 , 24:5 , 31:8
Taylor Woodrow: 5:1 , 28:9
Taylor, Frank (Chief Fire Officer): 15:1
Telegraph Properties Ltd: 27:6
Telephone engineers: 22:3
Tempest, Dave (councillor): 18:3 , 18:5 , 19:6 , 20:1 , 20:5 , 24:8
Temporary Employment Subsidy: 31:12
Tenants' associations: 9:6
Terrorism Act: 27:5
Tesco: 12:3
Lump, the: 11:6, 12:2 , 12:3, 21:4, 22:4
Thomas Aspe charity: 18:3
Thomas, Dorothy and Jide: 12:1
Thorn Electrical Industries: 7:10 , 15:7
Thorne, Stan (councillor): 4:12
Tillotson (printing firm): 13:4
Tilney, John (MP): 2:5
Tinlings printing firm (closure): 14:1 , 14:4
Tinne, Michael (councillor): 2:4
Tolley, Jack: 4:9
Topham, Mirabel (Aintree racecourse): 3:3
Toughened Glass factory (Huyton): 30:12
Tower blocks safety: 11:10
Tower Hill Tenants Association: 3:3
Toxteth district centre (proposed): 11:5
Trade, Industry and Export Centre project: 20:7
Trades Union Congress (TUC): 4:7
Transport: 11:6
Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU): 7:1 , 7:3
Trespass law: 18:5 , 26:2
Tressell, Robert: 25:6 , 28:9 , 31:5
Triumph factory: 13:3 , 28:12
Tuebrook Bugle: 5:3 , 6:1 , 6:7 , 8:1
Turner, James Frederick: 26:1
Turner, Tony: 18:4

UEFA Cup tickets: 27:1
Unison Committee for Action: 24:1
Unity Medical Services: 25:9
University technicians dispute: 16:3
Urban Aid: 4:12 , 10:5

Vasectomy/sterilisation charges: 26:9
Vauxhall (Ellesmere Port): 21:1 , 28:3
Vauxhall Project: 13:10
Venture Housing Association: 15:1 , 15:10 , 16:2
Virgin Records: 2:10 , 4:1
Visionhire (discrimination): 6:5

Wade, James Standfield: 5:8 , 6:5 , 7:5 , 11:3 , 11:5 , 12:10 , 16:1 , 16:7
Wakstein, Charles: 9:1 , 9:4
Walker Art Gallery: 31:3
Walker, General Sir Walter: 24:1
Walker, Jim (councillor): 30:1
Walker, Rick: 17:3 , 21:8 , 23:8
Walsh, Chris: 15:8
Walter Holme (construction): 17:10
Walton Building Company: 15:10
Walton jail: 10: 9 , 15:1 , 15:5 , 31:3
Warburton, Angela (councillor): 27:1
Warburton, George: 21:5
Washbourne, Eddie (police superintendent): 29:1
Wasting police time: 20: 3 , 4:4 , 3:10
Watchdog (police monitoring): 4:3
Water supply: 4:9
Waterman, Harry: 25:5 , 27:12 , 30:12
Wavertree Heating & Plumbing Ltd: 23:8
Wavertree High Street: 29:12
Weaver, Gladys: 24:8
Webb, Tommy: 3:5
Wellington Avenue: 29:8
Whetstone Construction: 18:3
Wilde, John (councillor): 19:3
Williams, Barry: 29:1
Williams, Brian (Knowsley housing official): 3:5 , 20:1
Williams, Kenny: 17:1 , 17:4 , 18:1 , 18:7 , 30:12
Williams, Ronald (Director of Transport): 2:4 , 2:5
Williamson, Gladys (councillor): 17:3
Wilmington Employment Agency: 14:10
Wilmington, Joe (councillor): 14:10
Wilson, Colin St John (architect): 3:1 , 10:12 , 3:7
Wilson, Harold (prime minister): 15:7 , 18:1
Wimpey (construction): 29:9
Wingrove & Rogers: 16:8 , 17:7
Wirral council housing: 20:1
Women at Work (series): 7:4, 8:5, 11:4
Women's Centre (Seel Street): 30:2
Women's Liberation: 6:4
Wood End Assessment Centre: 28:3
Woodpecker pub, Kirkby: 20:10
Woods, Ken: 2:10
Wren Construction: 3:3 , 4:3

Yachting: 6:3
Young Persons Factory Act 1938: 15:3

Zisman, Gerald (property consultant): 20:7